Sunday, January 12, 2014

Understanding Anirudh

Dear Arjun and Anirudh,

Once in a while, I feel you both are really wasting a lot of my time. Then I realize, may be it is not really wasted. Earlier, I would have used that time in browsing the internet to have some fun or to gather some knowledge. While looking after you, in a way, I am not missing either of them. It is a lot of fun to be around with you to see your naughty things. At the same time, I do believe I am learning a lot of new things as well. I have mentioned many times earlier that I knew nothing about babies before. Today, I am more than confident about raising new born babies. I have a better understanding of what patience really means. More than anything, it is a wonderful opportunity to have a better understanding of human behaviour in general, which is one of those items always on of my todo list. I do understand each person is different. But observing a lot of people closely will definitely help in understanding it better. What could be more useful than trying to understand two people from their birth.

You know, people often say children are like gods. Neither I have experienced 'god' nor observed any children closely before.  So, I really didn't know how true that was. I think the comparison is made mainly based on their forgiving nature and unparalleled innocence. Now that I understand children much better, I don't agree with it any more. I am not saying they are not innocent or not forgiving. They definitely are. But, they forgive because they forget. They are innocent because their brain isn't matured enough like adults. During the first 3 months, the only thing that you did was eating and sleeping. Innocence isn't really the right word to describe that. It was very clear that your brain wasn't matured enough to understand more  complex feelings. You were quite good in expressing the basic feelings of comfort and discomfort.  Hunger, stomach ache, trapped wind, sleep are all classified as discomfort which you used to promptly display by crying. Holding, cuddling and feeding were all comfort which was also displayed promptly. I thought there wouldn't be anything interesting to observe at that stage as your brain still had a long journey to travel before showing anything worth observing. But, I was wrong!

Right from the birth, we always tried our best to treat both of you in the same way. Ideally, it should have been an easy task at that stage as you were yet to show any unique traits that might differentiate you both as different individuals. But, despite our efforts, we always ended up showing more care to Anirudh. Not because we liked him much, but only because he forced us to do that! You may not know that you both started out as a single embryo may be for 2-3 days before splitting in to two. You both were almost of the same weight when born. I wasn't really expecting any drastic difference in your behaviour as identical twins. But how wrong I was! It was very evident within a month how different Anirudh was compared to Arjun. There is a saying that eldest one will always be mild compared to the younger one. I never believe in such things, so really sad to see that hold true in your case!

Anirudh had put on about 300gms of extra weight within the first two months. And, he had a stronger voice too. But what was not clear to me was how did he learn to use that completely for his advantage in such a small age. I never read anything loudly when he was still in the womb! I don't even think he has a sharp hearing. I am trying to teach him his name from last six months, but still he hasn't come anywhere closer to learning that! Then from where did he learn to steal the stage by side-lining Arjun completely? It was almost difficult to hear Arjun's voice whenever he wanted to express something whereas it was almost impossible to stand Anirudh's cry for more than few minutes. It was also very easy to comfort Arjun where as it used to take double the time to comfort Anirudh. We were absolutely clueless about his demanding nature, so just went with his way to keep some peace at home.

When you were five months old, I was desperate to bring Anirudh back to the track. We started some kind of sleep training, to which Arjun wasn't protesting much. But Anirudh wouldn't just care. He always wanted to sleep being rocked till he went to deep sleep. Any attempt to put him down before he was completely asleep would be a nightmare. At 5 months, I was determined to follow the same routine for both of you, no matter how hard that might be. First day, it took more than 1 hour 30 minutes to put him to sleep. Next day I started observing him more closely. It again took almost 1 hour, but noticed that he had a burp which took almost an hour to come out and he instantly fell asleep following that. I tried the same thing for few more days and realized that it is the reason behind those relentless crying pretty much every time. That really opened my eyes to a certain extent. Anirudh wasn't being demanding all these days without a reason. He was having more pain than Arjun, for which he was asking for the help. We have just failed to understand him for a long time trying to compare him with Arjun.

After that I started observing Arjun also more closely. To my surprise, I started noticing that, even Arjun was having burping problems. But he wasn't crying as much as Anirudh for that. I have even seen him playing when he had burp. So, why is Anirudh making it such a big issue? How do I know whether Anirudh is really having more pain than Arjun? How do I know what is going on in their mind when they are having pain? There may not be an easy answer for my questions.

That took me back to some of my own incidents when I was a child. Once, when I was in 4th standard, I had an inch long thorn in one of my feet for few days, still didn't talk about it with anyone. When it made me very difficult to walk, some one used a pin to take the thorn out and was shocked to see the size! In the summer vacation of 4th standard, I was playing a war game with my friend using a bamboo stick, and my index finger was chopped from the top by one of his hits. I didn't even notice that in the spirit of the game till I saw the blood flowing down fast and the finger tip almost about to fall down! I don't even remember shedding a drop of tear for the pain. I am sure, a lot of others would have cried for hours for that pain.

But, does that mean all others who express more pain than it really seems are just showing off to get some attention? How do I really understand their pain with a wound similar to mine? What really is pain and why people express it in such a painful way that pains me more than bearing that pain itself? I can turn down the action of an adult as a mere act to grab some sympathy. But, what about Anirudh who is just 2 months old and doesn't even understand what sympathy means. Definitely, there is something wrong in my logic of comparing the pain from two people with a similar wound. After thinking for some time, I realized the simple thing I have been missing all along these years.

Like many other things, pain is also a relative thing. One's pain is always linked to his level of 'pain threshold' - the maximum pain that he can bear without expressing it outside. The 'pain threshold' is a basic instinct that is very hard to change. I might have been lucky in having a high pain threshold where as others may not have been that lucky. I haven't done anything knowingly to increase my ability to bear the pain. It just happened! So, it would be very unfair to compare some one else's pain to my own or to suspect them of doing that for some sympathy. Pain can never be compared, it can only be felt!

Perhaps, I can understand others pain much better now, but I only need to remember this more often, and also not to think about it any further!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A ray of hope

I told myself very clearly that I am not going to write any more blogs on politics. But I am slowly realizing how uncertain the promises could be when it comes to anything related to politics. So I will confidently assure myself again that this will be my last post on politics.

I had been a fervent admirer of Modi for a long time, just like millions of other Indians. I am still not sure what made me such a big supporter of Modi. I think it is more to do with the negative publicity of congress rather than Modi's efforts to showcase himself as an agent of growth. I never spent much time verifying the facts about the 'developed Gujarat'. I just knew by heart that he has changed the image of Gujarat. I just knew that he is the one India has been looking for a long time. There was no need for me to double check that when my heart was very clear about it. However the emergence of AAP had put me in a big dilemma. I know about AAP and its leaders much more than I know about any other politicians. I have been following each and every move of their journey. Their ideology was something totally unheard in the history of Indian politics. It is absolutely impossible for some one like me to resist from morally getting involved with their mission. However I had to make a decision sooner or later regarding whom I want to support for the big fight.

Since AAP and Modi were travelling in different paths, I was forced to think from my brain rather than heart. That certainly revealed some of the black marks in the pristine photo of Modi I had been seeing so far. I did talk about some of that in one of my earlier posts. However, deep down I didn't want to see anyone other than Modi at the top post. Even when I was convinced about myself that not all things I have heard about the bravery of Modi wasn't true, I still had a soft corner for him. However as I got myself involved more and more with the online news (including comments), I started to see the real face of Modi fan-boys. A vast majority of the Modi supporters that I had seen online aren't any better than street rowdies. They had no respect to others, they had no ideology and they never bothered about truth. They only knew how to attack others in a pack with their filthy language. They were strengthening my belief that all those great things I heard about Modi could be just a paid PR propaganda. Unfortunately the esteemed BJP leaders were also in competition with each another in spreading the lies about AAP. Whether it be about fake sting operation or whether it be the issue of foreign funding, they weren't ashamed of going to any extent to defame AAP. All these turned me against their party so much as to erase all the respect I had for them. It also forced me to rethink my support for 'Modi for PM' more objectively. If you aren't yet washed away with the modi-wave, I am sure you will also sit back and ask that question to yourself.

When AAP was making its preparations for the Delhi battle, I had several reasons to support 'Modi for PM'
  • There is no other credible alternative other than BJP
  • Modi is the agent of change and growth
  • He is completely against the appeasement politics
  • He is more decisive than divisive
In simple terms, what attracted me towards Modi is his ability to maintain a fine balance between his image of 'development' and the image of 'hindutwa'. I was certainly moved by his slogans like 'justice to all and appeasement to none' and 'toilets first, temple later'.

With the emergence of AAP and their decision to contest as many LS seats as possible, I had to re-evaluate my earlier stand. There are far few reasons now to support 'Modi for PM' campaign as I really had to search hard for credible reasons to prefer Modi over AAP. Modi fan-boys might provide thousands of other reasons, possibly with links to huge statistics selling 'Gujarat development' model with different flavors. I find it hard to make my decision based on those statistics, especially when a modiphobic can provide a counter argument for each one of them with equal amount of statistics. What can I make out with those conflicting statistics. Some one has rightly said 'there are lies, damn lies and then statistics'.

Some people say Modi has extensive experience of  administration whereas AAP has just entered the playground. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that logic. Many giant companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft are all started by young entrepreneurs who had absolutely no experience of running the company. Still they succeeded as they understood their clients, they had put their heart and soul to the product they have created. Balu, the new joiner of AAP is right in saying 'AAP is the best start-up ever created by an IITian'. If you have the will and intent, experience doesn't count much in politics. We have thousands of experienced, well qualified bureaucrats, economists there to assist you in every step. Modi didn't fail in his office during his first term without any experience. MMS didn't succeed in his second term after having a great five years of experience. Experience of running a state is not the same as running the country. Experience is certainly good, but it is not essential and there are other things more important than that.

Some people say Modi means business. He knows how to encourage corporates and create more and more jobs, whereas AAP is a socialistic party that will take the country back to the history. I find it strange when these arguments are coming from most educated as well. No party can be completely socialist or capitalist, especially in a country like India where the inequality is at its high. AAP is neither socialist nor capitalist. They are 'opportunist' or 'solutionist' when it comes to economic policies. They are ready to give subsidy in certain sectors and open for free market in others. The only thing that they are against is the crony capitalism. Unfortunately that is exactly what Modi is accused of. Though they weren't investigated, it isn't hard to buy that based on several things like a absence of lokayukta for years, weak lokayukta bill in his state, attacks on RTI activists etc.

I don't think anyone rejects that the next elections are going to be between Modi and others. For congress it is Modi vs Rahul and for AAPians it is Modi vs AAP. It is never BJP vs Congress or BJP vs AAP. In the eyes of everyone, Modi has raised beyond the party that has brought him to the light. With such tremendous control over the party, why is he still silent on a strong anti-corruption law? why is he not taking actions against corrupt ministers in his own cabinet? Why is he silent on bringing the party and its funds under the scanner of RTI? Why is he mum on so many criminals representing his party? Is it really difficult for him to clean his own party? If that is the case, how can one expect him to clean the entire nation? In that respect, Rahul Gandhi seems certainly better. He atleast has the courage to talk about reforms within his party.

The idea of one man changing the nation troubles me more than anything else. Is it fair to support a corrupt, criminal as people's representative just because he belongs to Modi's party? What if (believe me, I don't wish that) something happens to Modi tomorrow? Will Modi fan-boys switch their sides suddenly or will they still stick to BJP? If the answer is no, it is better to think about your support again. Any solution dependent on one person is not going to scale. The problems of this country is certainly not that simple as to be solved by one person. It needs systemic changes. It needs the change in our political culture. Unfortunately Modi doesn't stand for a change in the system. He is projecting himself as an alternate system!

The reasons to support AAP over Modi are very clear. Though Kejriwal is the visible face of the party, it isn't dependent upon a single face. It is a transparent system of alternate politics. It is the system where you will be able to clearly see where and how your tax money is being utilized, starting from their party finance itself. It is a system which will encourage good and honest people to enter politics, not the one with money and muscle power. It is the party that has shown their clear intent in passing a strong anti corruption law, knowing that it can be used to bring them down when they change in future. How hard it could be to place our trust on such a party over others who aren't ready to make their operations transparent? Of-course we can throw them out of power when they also turn like other parties. They are in fact vouching for 'Right to Recall' so that our job will be even more easier to bring them down. But there is very good chance that they won't as it didn't start like a normal political party. They are still working as a movement rather than a political party. They have the intent to provide alternate politics whereas Modi can only provide a replacement.

All these things tells me that there are only two reasons to support 'Modi for PM' campaign.
  • AAP will only play the spoil sport resulting in a hung parliament, leading to more economic problems
  • They won't be as tough as Modi when it comes to appeasement(read muslim) politics
It is certainly impossible for AAP to have the majority to form the government on their own. They couldn't do that even in Delhi. They can't give their support to anyone else either. So more support to AAP means more certain of an unstable government. However I don't agree that they will help congress to come back to the power. It was very clear from the Delhi elections that majority of the vote share they had grabbed is from Congress. So if anybody is going to be helped by AAP, surely it must be BJP. No one can predict the results of elections clearly, especially in the present conditions. That was evident in the Delhi elections as well. So casting your vote based on some one else's prediction is nothing more than gambling. A better approach would be to vote for an honest, able candidate as we live in a representative democracy. AAP might still be able to form a minority government just like they did in Delhi. Certainly that would be much more effective than a Modi lead government. Even if they fail to form the government, your vote won't get wasted. The vote share will clearly send a clear message to the political class. By not voting for AAP, you are saying that a change in the political system is not something you are interested in. Anyone who is confused about AAP and Modi have a clear choice to make. A choice between a clean political system with both long term and short term benefits over short term gains of a hope of development.

The only remaining reason to support Modi is his Hindutwa identity. However I might try to suppress, deep down there is certainly a hidden desire of seeing a hindu-icon like Modi at the top position. That sentiment is perhaps taking over all other rational reasons and forcing us to look hard for justifications to support him. Perhaps that is why millions of others crave to see Modi as PM though there isn't any other substantial reason to support him over a clean alternative like AAP. The Delhi elections certainly tell that to some extent in my opinion. There was no promise of a better growth from BJP in that state. There was no hope of reduced corruption as BJP ruled MCD itself was immersed deep in the corruption allegations. Still they were able to retain their vote share whereas congress lost heavily to AAP. It is very likely that a majority of them voted for BJP mainly because of their hindutwa ideology. I am not saying whether hindutwa is good or bad especially when everybody has their own definition of hindutwa. But it is certainly bad to bring that ahead of an attempt to bring a transparent, corrupt free administration. Hindutwa will certainly remain as a prominent vote bank for several years. We can certainly bring back Modi or any other pro-hindu leader later after cleaning the current system. The need of the hour is certainly to chose a better system over a better leader.